
Free Gaza:ラムレ刑務所からシンシア・マッキニーの声明

シンシアの友人のひとりが、ラムレ刑務所から電話を受けた。フワイダとルブナは解放されたが、幽閉の囚人たちは、自らを"Free Gaza 21"と呼ぶ。以下、シンシアの声明


乗り組んだわたしたちのすべてが、船から降ろされ強制収容され、イスラエルに連れてこられ投獄された。 イスラエル入国管理官は、わたしたちを維持することを望まないと言ったが、わたしたちは投獄されたままだ。国務省とホワイトハウス官僚は、わたしたちの解放を果たさず、あるいは、オバマ大統領により非難された封鎖のガザのパレスチナ人に向けた人道支援を、力ずくで封じるイスラエル海軍の不法な行動を非難する強い公的姿勢を取ってもいない。

One of Cynthia's friend received a phone call from Ramle prison. The incarcerated prisoners are calling themselves "Free Gaza 21" even though Huwaida and Lubna have been released. Below is Cynthia's statement;

We were in international waters on a boat delivering humanitarian aid to people in Gaza when the Israeli Navy ships surrounded us and illegally threatened us, dismantled our navigation equipment, boarded and confiscated the ship.

All of us on board were then taken off the ship and into custody, and brought into Israel and imprisoned. Immigration officials in Israel said they did not want to keep us, but we remain imprisoned. State Department and White House officials have not effected our release or taken a strong public stance to condemn the illegal actions of the Israeli Navy of enforcing a blockade of humanitarian assistance to the Palestinians of Gaza, a blockade that has been condemned by President Obama.

Greta Berlin
Free Gaza Movement
357 99 284 102

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全文:Palestine Monitor

関連記事:「国連真実調査使節団:ガザで懐疑に直面」Los Angeles Times

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Free Gaza:プレスリリース

彼らの拉致から、世界中の何万人もの人びとが、彼らの即時無条件解放を要求するため動いている。 Free Gaza Movementは、電話し、ファックスやメールを送り、手紙を書き、あるいはデモを組織したみなさんに、21人の投獄された友人に代わり、感謝したい。


1 July 2009

We are NOT the “Story”
It’s Not Just Our 21 Kidnapped Passengers

On June 30th 2009 Israeli Occupation Forces forcibly boarded the Free Gaza boat, SPIRIT OF HUMANITY, and kidnapped 21 human rights workers and journalists who were on their way to deliver much needed humanitarian and reconstruction supplies to besieged Gaza. Those abducted by Israel include Nobel peace prize laureate Mairead Maguire and former U.S. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

Since their kidnapping, tens-of-thousands of people around the world have mobilized to demand their immediate and unconditional release. The Free Gaza Movement would like to thank everyone who has made a phone call, sent a fax or email, written a letter, or organized a demonstration on behalf of our 21 imprisoned friends.

With respect, it is not enough. We are not the story. Since its founding in 1948 the State of Israel has regularly kidnapped and tortured Palestinians, throwing them into forgotten prisons where they can languish for years. Today, over 11,000 Palestinian political prisoners without benefit of due process, some never even charged - men, women, and children – endure torture and isolation in Israeli jails, outdoor prison camps, and secret black sites. They come from all walks of life: doctors, journalists, parliamentarians, workers, resistance fighters, homemakers, students and others. They are our sisters and brothers.

The 21 passengers aboard the Spirit of Humanity have been illegally incarcerated for their solidarity work with Palestine. 11,000 other members of our common human family are already imprisoned simply for being Palestinian.

The Siege of Palestine is not simply the physical blockade against Gaza. The Siege includes the hundreds of checkpoints throughout the West Bank that separate families and communities and shatter any prospect for a viable Palestinian state. The Siege includes the millions of Palestinians in Diaspora, many of them dumped in squalid refugee camps in Jordan, Lebanon and elsewhere. The Siege is ever-present throughout all aspects of Palestinian life.

This Siege is only strengthened when we pay more attention to the injustice done to 21 international solidarity workers than we do to the much greater injustices already being committed against millions of Palestinians.

We in the Free Gaza Movement implore all the good people around the world who have working so hard to secure the release of our friends to "adopt" a Palestinian prisoner. We ask you to learn about the crisis and take on the cause of an individual prisoner as your own.

Break the Siege! Reach out to Palestine!

For more information, please visit http://www.FreeGaza.org, as well as the following prisoner information websites:


For More Information, Please Contact:
Greta Berlin (English)
tel: +357 99 28 41 02 / friends@freegaza.org

Ramzi Kysia (English)
Tel: + 357 99 08 17 67 / rrkysia@yahoo.com

Caoimhe Butterly (Arabic/English/Spanish):
tel: +357 99 80 96 37 / sahara78@hotmail.co.uk
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