
Democracy Now:イスラエルが援助船を押収して活動家を拉致


Democracy Now
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全文:The Palestinian Information Center
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Free Gaza:わたしたちは再びガザに向かう

Free Gaza Movementからプレス・アップデート


Larnaca, Cypus, July 3, 2009: This morning, the five kidnapped passengers from Bahrain left Israel via a private jet sent by their king. They will hold a press conference in Bahrain tonight at 7 pm Bahrain time. The two Al Jazeera journalists will be freed sometime today, their equipment given back to them but not the footage of the Israeli terrorist frogmen boarding the boat and roughing up some of the passengers.

All passengers are fine, but they are still imprisoned by a country that illegally boarded their small boat, towed it, and confiscated the supplies that had already been inspected in Cyprus.

The following message has come from Captain Denis inside the prison cell in Israel where he is being held, along with 11 more of our passengers, including former Congresswoman, Cynthia McKinney and Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire.

"At least four of us went to a hearing yesterday, and we were told we were going to be deported. However, they did not tell us where we were going or when. The boat has been impounded and all of the charts stolen by the Israeli navy. The people at the prison told us we would get all of our stuff back today, but, so far, that has not been true.

It appears as though the Israeli government is drilling for natural gas in the buffer zone. That gas belongs to the people of Gaza. It seems to be one of their reasons for stopping us, perhaps they're worried that we may go back and tell the world what we have seen."

When asked if he thought the Free Gaza Movement would go again, his response was, "Of course. We're going to get another boat, or more than one boat and we will head toward Gaza again."

 イスラエルに拉致されたバーレーン人に対する王の配慮を羨ましく思う、イラクで拉致されたこの国のNGOを思うにつけ。超法規的措置? バーレーンの自家用機がイスラエルに飛ぶなんて。

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Daniel Bases



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Free Gaza:シンシア・マッキニー:イスラエル刑務所から

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 Human Rights Watch (HRW)による報告は、問題の6件の事件で「イスラエル軍が、戦闘指揮を明らかに受け入れがたく低い敷居に定め、標的が戦闘員と確認する可能な警戒を怠り、また戦闘員と民間人を見分け、前者のみを攻撃することにも失敗した。その結果、攻撃は国際人道法(戦時国際法)に違反した」と述べる。


関連記事:「中東: 無人機が無差別になるとき」IPS
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全文:Ma'an News Agency
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Free Gaza:国連専門家がイスラエル軍による支援ボート強奪を糾弾






UN Expert denounces seizure of aid boat by Israeli forces
2 July 2009

GENEVA - The UN Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967, Richard Falk, denounced the unlawful naval seizure by an Israeli gunboat on the high seas of a ship carrying medicine and reconstruction material to blockaded people of Gaza.

“This Israeli action implements its cruel blockade of the entire Palestinian population of Gaza, in violation of Article 33 of the Fourth Geneva Convention that prohibits any form of collective punishment directed at an occupied people”, said the human rights expert.

Mr. Falk pointed to a recent report on the impact on health resulting from the two year blockade, issued by the International Committee of the Red Cross, stressing that Israeli actions not only restrict such vital supplies as food, medicine, and fuel to bare subsistence levels, but has in unprecedented fashion, disallowed the entry to Gaza of building materials and spare parts needed for repairing some of the widespread damage caused by its attacks on the Strip that took place for 22 days starting on December 27, 2008.

“Such a pattern of continuing blockade under these conditions amounts to such a serious violation of the Geneva Conventions as to constitute a continuing crime against humanity”, added the independent human rights expert.

The boat in question had been inspected in response to Israeli demands before departure by the port authorities in Cyprus to determine whether there were weapons on board. None were found, and Israeli authorities were so informed.

Nonetheless, the 21 peace activists on the boat were arrested, held in captivity, and have been charged with ‘illegal entry’ to Israel even though they had no intention of going to Israel. The group included such prominent figures as the Irish winner of the Nobel Peace Prize, Mairead Maguire, and the former American congresswoman Cynthia McKinney.

For more information on the mandate of the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in the Palestinian territories occupied since 1967: http://www.ohchr.org/SP/countries/MENARegion/Pages/PSIndex.aspx

For interview requests, please contact Linnéa Arvidsson (+41 22 928 9126, larvidsson[at]ohchr.org)

Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights - Media Unit
Rupert Colville, Spokesperson: + 41 22 917 9767
Xabier Celaya, Information Officer: + 41 22 917 9383

For inquiries and media requests: press-info[at]ohchr.org

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