ハナは、2012年2月16日に再逮捕され、裁判なしに6ヵ月間の拘留 - 行政拘留を命じられました。彼女は、恣意的拘留に、勇士、ハデル・アドナーンと同じ手法で抗議すると決め、彼女は今日、公開ハンガーストライキの9日目にあります。彼女は、わたしたちの緊急支援を必要としており、わたしは、彼女の訴えを強調し、適切な時期に - あまりに遅くなる前に - 彼女を解放するよう圧力をかけるため、誰もが何かできると考えます。
逮捕と尋問 ハナ・ヤヒア・シャラビーは、2009年9月14日、自宅で逮捕された。その朝、午前1:30ごろ、軍用ジープ12台のイスラエル兵士らが、西岸北部の町、ジェニンに近いブルキン村の彼女の家を取り囲んだ。兵士らは、ハナの家族全員、家から出るよう命令し、ハナに彼女の身分証明書を出すよう要求した。その後、彼らは、家屋の徹底的捜索を遂行した。捜索中、兵士のひとりは、2005年にイスラエル軍により殺戮されたハナの兄弟、サメルの額に入った写真を暴力的に取り除き、ずたずたに引き裂き、家族全員の前で、それら粉々になった上を歩いた。兵士らはその後、ハナと彼女の家族に叫び罵り始めた。63歳のハナの父親が、介入し、継続的言葉による虐待から娘を護ろうと試みたとき、1人のイスラエル兵士は、ライフル銃の台尻で彼の胸を押しやった。明らかに悲嘆に襲われ、ハナの母親はこの場で卒倒した。兵士らはそして、ハナに、手首を恐ろしく締め上げる手枷(ニッポンで言う結束バンド)で手錠し、彼女を逮捕下に置いた。ハナはその後、軍用ジープでSalem拘置所に移送された。移送中、ハナのアバヤ、家庭着の上に女に着用される全身を覆う伝統的ムスリムの宗教的衣服が開き、彼女の衣服と身体の一部をむき出しにした。ジープに彼女と乗り合わせた男兵士らの何人かが、このとき、意識的に彼女の状況を利用し、そのような写真で、彼女が傷つき辱められたと感じると知りつつ、彼女を写真に撮った。Salem拘置所到着に際し、医者が、ハナを素早く身体検診し、ハナは、彼女の尋問が公式に始まった、イスラエル内のキション拘置所に移送された。
独房監禁と虐待 ハナは、連続8日間、キション拘置所で、窓、あるいは太陽光のない6平米(3畳ほど)の房で、独房監禁に捕われた。房は、伝えられるところでは、ひどく汚れたマットレスとトイレしかなかった。ハナは毎日、午前10:00から夜遅くまで継続する、消耗し尽くす尋問に曝された。この期間、自然光を欠くことが、彼女に時間の感覚すべてを失わせ、夜なのか昼なのかさえ、しばしば判断できなかった。隔離と感覚喪失のこの期間が、ラマダーンの神聖月と重なったが、ハナは、彼女の断食を尊重するための時間を知ることができなかった。結果、彼女は、この8日間全体を通し、食事と飲料水を拒絶して、全く食べないと決めた。ハナはまた、尋問の間、セクシュアル・ハラスメントと身体的暴力に曝された。ハナは、アッダミール弁護士、サファ・アブドに、彼女の尋問官が期待したように、彼女が犯罪を犯したと自白しなかった尋問の終わりに生じた事件を伝えた。アッダミールが主張する手段で、イスラエル人尋問官の一人が、挑発的やり方で、ハナを「ハビブティ」(「可愛いひと」のアラビア語)と呼んだ、ハナを怒らせる努力だった。辱めを受けた感覚と、尋問官の昵懇な間柄の言葉の攻撃的使用への怒りで、ハナは、彼をどなり始めた。尋問官らは、彼女の顔を平手打ちし、彼女の腕や手を殴って応答した。看守らはその後、彼女を房に連れ戻し、彼女をベッドの柵に拘束し、彼女を横たえたその姿勢で写真を撮ることにより、辱め続けた。アッダミールは、イスラエル拘留当局がパレスチナ女囚に対して繰り広げる、彼らに向けた性的脅威、不適当で猥雑な言葉の使用を注ぐことによる言葉の虐待を非常に懸念する。アッダミールは、この振る舞いが、ことさらパレスチナ社会特有の慣習の中で、ジェンダーのステレオタイプ同様、家長規範を弄ぶことにより、パレスチナ女性の恐れを利用する故意の努力でなされると、主張する。
行政拘留 (略:長い:「地域の安全」を脅かすとして2010年3月28日に終了するハナの行政拘留、証拠の不在など、まあ、証拠があるなら刑事告訴できるわけで、「行政拘留」は常に証拠はないのだけれど)
拘留状況 (略:長い:イスラエル刑務所でイスラエル刑事犯女囚のセクションに留置される。刑事告訴され有罪判決を受けた囚人と、裁判のない拘留者は一緒に投獄されないと定めるイスラエル刑務所服務規定にさえ違反する留置、まあ、パレスチナ人の行政拘留では珍しいことでない。イスラエル人犯罪者から受ける攻撃を期待してのことだから)
個人的情報 (略)
Dear All,
Hanh Shalabi was among more than 1,000 Palestinian prisoners released in October in a trade for Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit.
Hana was re-arrested on February 16 2012 and ordered to be detained without trial for six months - administrative detention. She decided to protest her arbitrary detention sam way as the hero Khade Adnan and today she is on the ninth day of her open hunger strike. She needs our immediate support, I believe that every one can do something to emphasize her cause and to make a pressure at the right time - before it is too late - to have her released.
Please distribute the story widely and I will do my best to keep you updated.
Here is her profile from the previous arbitrary detention, so you can learn something about her and about how she suffered that time:
Date of birth: 2 July 1982
Place of detention: Hasharon prison
Date of arrest: 14 September 2009
Place of residence: Burqin, Jenin
Number of order renewals: One
Expected end of administrative detention order: 12 September 2010
Date of release: Hana was released on 18 October 2011 as part of the prisoner exchange deal concluded by the Israeli government and Hamas authorities
ARREST AND INTERROGATION Hana Yahya Shalabi was arrested from her family home on 14 September 2009. At approximately 1:30 a.m. that morning, Israeli soldiers in 12 military jeeps surrounded her house in Burqin village, near the West Bank town of Jenin. The soldiers ordered Hana’s entire family outside of the house and demanded Hana give them her identity card. They then proceeded to conduct a thorough search of the family’s home. During the search, one of the soldiers forcibly removed framed pictures of Hana’s brother Samer, who was killed by the Israeli army in 2005, tore them apart and walked over the pieces in front of the entire family. The soldiers then started shouting and cursing at Hana and her family members. When Hana’s father, aged 63, attempted to intervene and protect his daughter from continued verbal abuse, one Israeli soldier pushed him in the chest with the butt of a rifle. Clearly distressed, Hana’s mother fainted at this scene. The soldiers then handcuffed Hana in painfully tight shackles around her wrists and placed her under arrest. Hana was then transferred by military jeep to Salem Detention Center. During the transfer, Hana’s abaya, a traditional Muslim religious dress covering the entire body worn by women over home clothes, came open, uncovering her clothes and parts of her body. Some of the male soldiers accompanying her in the jeep took pictures of her at this point, consciously exploiting her situation, knowing she would feel offended and humiliated by such photos. Upon arrival to Salem Detention Center, a doctor gave Hana a quick physical examination. Immediately after the examination, Hana was transferred to Kishon Detention Center inside Israel where her interrogation formally began.
Solitary confinement and abuse Hana was held in solitary confinement at Kishon Detention Center for eight consecutive days, in a cell measuring six square meters that contained no windows or natural sunlight. The cell contained only a mattress and a bathroom, and was reportedly very dirty. Hana was subjected to exhausting interrogation sessions every day, which lasted from 10:00 a.m. until the late evening hours. The lack of natural sunlight during this period caused her to lose all sense of time and she was often unable to determine whether it was night or day. As this period of isolation and disorientation coincided with the holy month of Ramadan, Hana was unable to monitor time in order to respect her fast. As a result, she decided not to eat at all, refusing meals and drinking water only during the entire eight day period. Hana was also subjected to sexual harassment and physical violence during her interrogation. Hana told Addameer attorney Safa Abdo of an incident that occurred at end of an interrogation session, in which she did not confess to committing a crime, as her interrogators had expected. In a move that Addameer contends was an effort to provoke Hana, one of the Israeli interrogators called Hana “habibti” (Arabic for “darling”) in a provocative manner. Feeling humiliated and angry at the interrogator’s offensive use of an intimate term, Hana started shouting at him. The interrogators responded by slapping her on her face and beating her on her arms and hands. The guards then took her back to her cell where they tied her to the bed frame and continued humiliating her by taking pictures of her laying in that position. Addameer is greatly concerned by the verbal abuse Israeli detaining authorities display towards Palestinian female prisoners by directing sexual threats towards them and using inappropriate, vulgar language. Addameer contends that this behavior is done in a deliberate effort to exploit Palestinian women’s fears by playing on patriarchal norms as well as gender stereotypes within particular customs of Palestinian society.
ADMINISTRATIVE DETENTION After Hana’s interrogation period concluded, she remained in Kishon Detention Center for nine additional days, which Israeli authorities claimed were necessary for the purpose of investigation. On 29 September 2009, Israeli Military Commander Ilan Malka issued a six-month administrative detention order against Hana on the premise that she posed a threat to the “security of the area”. The order was set to expire on 28 March 2010. At the judicial review of the order, which took place on 5 October 2009 at the Court of Administrative Detainees in Ofer Military Base, near the West Bank city of Ramallah, military judge Ilan Nun confirmed the order for the entire six month period, but agreed to count the two weeks Hana had already been detained towards her detention period. In his decision, Nun alleged that, based on the “secret information” made available to him by the military prosecution, Hana was intending to carry out a “terrorist attack”. The judge further claimed that Hana had already undertaken initial steps in preparation for the attack, though he provided no proof to support this allegation. Addameer contends that the judge’s decision raises serious questions and fair trial issues. Seventeen days of investigation by the Israeli Security Agency, including eight days of consecutive interrogation did not prove the suspicions against Hana and no evidence of the alleged “intention” was brought before the court. Moreover, at no point did the court establish Hana’s affiliation with a Palestinian political party or armed group, nor did it establish whether Hana planned to carry out the alleged attack by herself or in partnership with anyone else. Additionally, the nature of a possible partnership was never investigated. Importantly, all suspicions directed towards Hana remained vague and general, leaving her without any legitimate means to defend herself. Although administrative detention orders issued by the Israeli military commander are the subject of review and further appeal by a military court, neither lawyers nor detainees are permitted to see the 'secret information’ used as a basis for the detention orders, rendering any possible legal defense meaningless. Hana’s attorneys filed an appeal against her administrative detention order, but the appeal was refused. Hana is now set to be held without charge or trial until 13 March 2010.
DETENTION CONDITIONS Prior to her transfer to HaSharon Prison, Hana spent a total of 17 days in Kishon Detention Center, where she was not once given a change of clean clothes. Hana continued to be detained in interrogation-like conditions for three days after her administrative detention order was issued. On 1 October 2009, she was eventually transferred to Section 2 of HaSharon Prison, where, due to overcrowding, she was placed in the same section as female Israeli criminal offenders. This placement is a direct violation of Israeli Prison Service Regulations, which stipulate that administrative detainees are to be held separately from all other detainees and prisoners, including those who have been convicted of a crime. Moreover, detained in the same sections as Israeli criminal offenders, Palestinian female prisoners are almost always discriminated against, enjoy fewer recreation hours and are often subjected to humiliation and abusive language from Israeli prisoners, who threaten them of physical attack. As a result, Palestinian women live in constant fear and often experience insomnia, and other psychological problems for the entire time they are detained in the same sections with Israeli women. Addameer attorney Safa Abdo filed a complaint with the HaSharon Prison administration regarding Hana’s detention conditions. On 25 October 2009, after being held for 25 days among Israeli criminal offenders, Hana was finally moved to Section 12 of HaSharon Prison with the other Palestinian female prisoners, where she was held together with approximately 18 other Palestinian female prisoners. The building which now constitutes the prison complex served as the headquarters of the British Mounted Police during the British Mandate in Palestine and, as such, was never designed for the incarceration of women. As a result, Hana suffered from the harsh detention conditions and complained of overcrowding, humidity, lack of natural sunlight and adequate ventilation, as well as poor hygiene standards.(1)
PERSONAL INFORMATION Prior to her arrest by the Israeli authorities, Hana was arrested and held by the Palestinian intelligence forces for a week in 2009 for the purpose of interrogation. During this period, Hana was permitted to sleep at home and was kept in detention from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 p.m. each day. Hana is one of nine children in a family of farmers in Burqin village, next to Jenin. On 29 September 2005, Hana’s brother Samer was killed by Israeli forces during an incursion in the village. Although Hana never intended to pursue university studies after completing her secondary education, she now vows to study journalism after she is released to advocate for the rights of Palestinian prisoners.
Administrative detention is a procedure that allows the Israeli military to hold detainees indefinitely on secret evidence without charging them or allowing them to stand trial. In the occupied Palestinian West Bank, the Israeli army is authorized to issue administrative detention orders against Palestinian civilians on the basis of Military Order 1591. This order empowers military commanders to detain an individual for up to six month renewable periods if they have “reasonable grounds to presume that the security of the area or public security require the detention.” On or just before the expiry date, the detention order is frequently renewed. This process can be continued indefinitely.