
Peace Now:「入植地建設はいつものごとく続く」

Peace Now

これはイスラエルPeace Now Movementにより準備され発行された、占領下パレスチナ地域でのイスラエル入植活動についての半期に一度の報告である(2009年1月 - 6月)。この報告は、続行中の入植地建設と拡張、およびこれに関する監視を詳細に示す。

Semiannual Report on Settlement Construction, January-June 2009

According to a Peace Now inspection, construction within the "settlement blocs" continues as usual, with no freeze to be seen on the ground. Conversely, construction at isolated settlements continues through various

settlement-freeze "bypass" tracks:

a. Actualizing old plans - some of the new construction seen in the last months, especially in the isolated settlements, is construction based on old plans that were approved years ago. This is meant to bypass the "settlement freeze," without needing to approve a new plan that must receive the defense minister's approval.

It is important to explain that it is within the power of the government to prevent construction that was approved in the past However, it is politically easier for the government to allow the construction while turning a blind eye, with direct or indirect encouragement, and continue claiming there is a "settlement freeze," when it comes to actualizing an old plan.

Presently new neighborhoods are under construction on the basis of old plans in Kochav Ha'shachar (plan from 1995), Matityahu (plan from 1984), Ma’ale Michmash (plan from 1999), Tqoa (plan from 1997), Elkana (plan from 2001), Na'ale (plan from 1999), Kfar Etzion (plan from 1993), and Barkan (plan from 2003).

According to the Spiegel Report, an official report by the Defense Ministry, there are more than 40,000 housing units in plans that were approved in the past but have not yet been actualized. Some of those plans are not relevant or need further approvals before being implemented. Theoretically, it is possible to double the number of settlers in the settlements without approving a single new plan. A real settlements freeze must include a freeze on actualizing construction and not only on planning procedures.

b. Illegal construction - another way to bypass the freeze is by building illegally. Some of the new construction is illegal, sometimes based on old plans that did not go through all of the licensing processes and sometimes without any plans.

Examples are Halamish, Kiryat Netafim, Kochav Ya'akov and Kedar (in Kedar there is construction in the area of an approved plan but based on the provisions of a new plan but has not yet been approved). The government is showing no determination to stop the illegal construction despite warnings made to the law enforcement agencies. See for example at Halamish.

The main findings General (in settlements, outposts and industrial areas):

· The building of 596 new structures began in the first half of 2009, of which 96 were in outposts.

· 35% of the structures were built east of the route of the separation fence (208 structures) while 65% (388 structures) started to be built west of the fence.

· A rise in the number of permanent structures and a drop in the number of caravans. The number of permanent structures that started to be built rose 8% in the first half of 2009 (372 compared to 344 new structures in the second half of 2008), and the number of caravans dropped 43% (204 compared to 361 new caravans).

Most of the decline was recorded in the settlements and outposts east of the route of the separation fence (a 35% drop in the general number of structures compared to only a 6% decline in construction west of the fence).

In settlements (without outposts and industrial areas)

· The construction of 492 new structures began in settlements, including 351 permanent structures, 131 caravans and 10 industrial structures. 124 structures were built east of the separation fence route and 368 west of it. · In addition, groundwork began for at least another 60 structures. · Significant construction sites: o Tqo'a -- groundwork for a new neighborhood and continued construction in the neighborhood near the entrance to the settlement. o Elkana -- groundwork for a new neighborhood and continued construction in the northern neighborhood o Halamish -- 12 duplex buildings (construction was stopped by a court order) o Kedar -- groundwork for a new neighborhood (42 housing units) o Na'ale -- groundwork for a new neighborhood and beginning of construction of nine structures o Kfar Etzion -- groundwork for a new neighborhood o Barkan -- groundwork for a new neighborhood (62 housing units) o Matityahu -- groundwork for a new neighborhood o Tzufin -- groundwork for a new neighborhood

Construction in Revava

· Additional sites: o Continued construction in large construction sites in Beitar Illit, Modi’in Illit, Givat Ze’ev Illit, Oranit and Ma’ale Adumim o Yitzhar -- 3 permanent structures and 13 new caravans o Beit Arye – 26 new structures o Kiryat Netafim -- 15 new structures o Kfar Adumim -- 25 permanent structures and 21 caravans o Revava -- continued construction in the new neighborhood and addition of 11 caravans o Kochav Ya’akov -- new caravan neighborhood o Nokdim -- groundwork for 10 new houses.

In outposts

· Not a single real outpost was evacuated.

· At least 96 new structures were built, including 73 caravans, 19 permanent structures and 4 agricultural/industrial structures.

· 15 structures were built in outposts west of the fence route compared to 81 in outposts east of it (85%). · Additionally, groundwork was undertaken for the construction of at least 20 new structures in the outposts. · In 60 outposts there was some kind of construction.

· In 10 of the 23 outposts slated for immediate evacuation according to the Defense Ministry list there was construction and expansion:

Avigayil - 3 new caravans

Bnei Adam - 5 new caravans

Gilad Farm - at least 6 new structures, groundwork and road building.

- Yitzhar South (hill 725) -- a new structure and groundwork. o Migron -- a new structure, road works and expanding an existing structure.

- Ma’ale Rehav’am - 2 new caravans o Mitzpe Lachish - 2 caravans and 2 new permanent structures.

- Kida - 3 new structures and groundwork.

- Neve Daniel North - new permanent structure.

- Nofei Nehemiah - 3 new caravans.

所在:International Middle East Media Center

 この記事の表題、「入植地建設はいつものごとく続く」には、「入植地建設凍結」への懐疑がみてとれる。Peace Nowの報告書も「騙されてはいけない」と言わんばかりだ(Peace Nowのそのような記事が届いたことがある)。というわけで、関連記事は「入植地建設凍結」記事

関連記事:「イスラエル:入植地建設完成して凍結」Ynet news.com

首相、国防相の代表団は、入植地建設論争を解決しようと努め、アメリカとの会談で見られた進展について、内閣の小さなフォーラムで内容を説明した。 米国方式によると、あり得る妥協は、ほぼ2,500戸の住宅完成を許すだろう。
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