

ノーベル平和賞受賞者の女4人が、国連事務総長、バン・キムンに、自由小艦隊 IIの安全な渡航を支持するよう求める公開書簡を送った。小艦隊は、6月下旬、非常に必要とされる人道支援物資をガザの人びとにもたらすだろう。

マイレド・マグワイア、ジョディ・ウィリアムズ、シーリーン・エバーディ、リゴベルタ・メンチュウ・トゥムは、事務総長に「ふたつの主要な行動、まず、結果、イスラエル政府に、船団は人道支援物資を積んでいると保証する - 自由小艦隊 II船団の積み荷を検査し封印する代理を任命することにより...」そして、「すべての政府に、自由小艦隊の安全な渡航を支持するよう要請することで、ガザの人びとを支持する」よう求めた。




June 10, 2011

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon
United Nations
New York, NY 10017 USA

RE: Inspection and sealing of Freedom Flotilla II cargo

Dear Mr. UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon,

We are writing to urge you to use your good offices in support of the humanitarian needs of the people of Gaza.

In our view, you can support the people of Gaza with two key actions. First, by appointing a representative to inspect and seal the cargo of the boats of the Freedom Flotilla II−thus assuring the Israeli government that the boats are carrying humanitarian supplies such as toys, medical supplies, cement and educational materials. Equally important, we strongly urge you to use your authority to call on all governments to support the safe passage of the Freedom Flotilla II. We are disappointed to learn of your recent efforts to persuade member governments from stopping the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza on the Freedom Flotilla II. We urge you to reconsider and instead encourage member states to lend support and ask Israel not to use force against legitimate humanitarian initiatives undertaken by civil society to help ease the suffering of the people of Gaza who are facing a humanitarian crisis of devastating scale.

The Freedom Flotilla II, organized by 14 national groups and international coalitions and carrying approximately 1500 ‘freedom riders,’ is set to sail to Gaza this month. Sailing in the spirit of promoting human rights, prosperity, and social responsibility, the aim of the Flotilla is to alleviate the humanitarian crisis faced by the citizens of Gaza.

The blockade in Gaza is clearly having a harmful impact on the people of Gaza, and indeed UNDP and other agencies report high levels of malnutrition and other disturbing health problems. According to a report by the World Food Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization, the level of “abject poverty” among the Palestinians of Gaza has tripled since the imposition of the blockade, with 61 % of households not having enough food. The blockade has crippled the Gaza economy and destroyed Palestinians’ livelihoods and homes.

We believe our requests to you are in keeping with UN Security Council Resolution 1860 of January 2009 as well as the 2010 UN Human Rights Council fact-finding mission on the attack on Freedom Flotilla I, which are calling for a lift of the blockade to allow humanitarian assistance. We urge you to do all you can to support this nonviolent international humanitarian effort, to provide UN representatives to inspect and seal the cargo, and to appeal to all governments to allow safe passage of the Freedom Flotilla II.

Thank you for your attention to this important matter. We look forward to your positive response.

Mairead Maguire (1976)
Rigoberta Menchu Tum (1992)
Jody Williams (1997)
Shirin Ebadi (2003)

全文:Nobel Women's Initiative

アーカイヴ:国連事務総長対自由小艦隊 2(06月07日)


 3.11から3ヵ月、東京電力新宿支店、本館と分館で、アーティスト集団によるProjectional Intifada(以前MUJIでやったやつ)を計画した。本館前には警察官がふたり立っていたから、まず別館でやり、それから本館に移動したが、既に別館でのアクションの情報が届いており、警戒を隠さず、ふたりいた警察官は、4人に、8人に、地からわき出すように、最終的に二十人ばかりに膨らんだ。どんな言葉も届かなかった。聞く耳を持っていなかったから。

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